Unusual facts about sex

Men begin to “think about sex” before they are born. Yes, in a male fetus, the first spontaneous erection occurs in the womb.

Walking "left" is life-threatening! Did you know that 85% of cases of death from a heart attack during sex occurs when a man indulges in "sinful passion" with his mistress? Be faithful and live long! Or you can use live sex chat VibraGame  and be safe))

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70% of women choose chocolate between sex and chocolate. Men, do not be offended, nothing personal - just the laws of biochemistry. The fact is that chocolate contains phenylethamine, a substance that causes euphoria and an increase in feelings of sex appeal. The same substance is produced in the brain when a person experiences love or sexual attraction.

The female orgasm lasts about 20 seconds, the male orgasm 9 seconds. The duration of orgasm is determined by the number of nerve endings concentrated in the genitals. The clitoris has about 8000 outgrowths of nerve fibers, while the penis has no more than 4000. And then who would argue that women are more perfect creatures?

The condom was used 15 thousand years ago. The ancients knew a lot about contraception and erotic art - sex scenes with the use of a condom were found on a rock painting in a cave in France.

The Kamasutra was invented by a monk. Yes, the author of the famous book is an old hermit brahmana, Mallanaga Vatsyayana, who lived in the 3rd century AD. The book was divided into 7 sections, and only the second was devoted to the technique of sex, and even then without pictures. The first section was about universal love, the second - how to win the favor of a girl and organize a wedding, the fourth - "the ethics of married life." And so on ... In short, Mallanaga Vatsyayana was not an old lecher, but a humanist-enlightener.

The vibrator was invented as a device for physiotherapy. In the 19th century, it was believed that hysteria was caused by a woman's sexual dissatisfaction (rabies of the uterus). They treated this "dangerous disease" with vaginal massage. To facilitate the truly difficult work of his colleagues, physician George Taylor invented in 1869 a vibrator that was powered by a steam engine. This bulky unit was installed in medical institutions. It wasn't until the early 20th century that Hamilton Beach patented a hand held vibrator for use at home. They tried to treat about 200 diseases. In general, something like a home inhaler.

Sexual temperament depends on nationality. Do you think the hottest are Georgians or Arabs? No - Greeks! One couple in Greece accounts for about 138 sexual contacts a year. Are you convinced that the coldest are Finns or Estonians? Also no - the Japanese! They have sex about 45 times a year. Do not hide your temperament and use private cams here

The planet's population will "fit" in an egg! To repopulate our planet to its current population, it takes as many eggs as can fit in a chicken egg. Spermatozoa that fit in the Nurofen capsule will cope with a similar task.

For a lasting erection of the penis, you need 2 tablespoons of blood. Or about 30-50 ml - the same amount a woman loses per day during menstruation. If, for some reason, there is not enough blood, an erection weakness occurs, and a man cannot have sexual intercourse.

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